Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Central Committee
[Prepared for the Internet by the Magazine Red Sun]
On April 5, 1992 there was a coup detat. That was the beginning of the application of a counter-revolutionary plan which was foreseen as lasting 20 years (Oiga magazine no. 647 and 648, July 1993). At its root is a fascist conception, but one adapted to the conditions of combating a peoples war (it is very important to bear in mind the Chinese experience and the application of fascism by Chiang Kai-shek). A plan advised and endorsed by imperialism, principally Yankee imperialism, and executed by the armed forces. Velasco was an antecedent. APRA as well. And this fascism is not counterpoised to absolute centralization but rather complements it. It is a shamefaced fascism. Today this is more clear, see Fujimoris speech of July 28, 1995: "Direct State management, efficient and permanent", "economic democracy", "new nationalism" "modernization", "we wish to be modern" (Chiang Kai-shek), "a modern state", "big structural reforms", "educational crusade", "new framework of legality", "neither populism nor ultra-liberalism, neither Left nor Right", "nor capitalism", "It is the State which defends the principle of authority", "reform of the Judicial power", "finally we have the capacity to plan long-term goals and objective", "achieve Perus rebirth in the new millennium". Measures with parliament (its course). Today, a parliament managed the way they want it. Judicial power, electoral power (elections and fraud), (on all these points APRA fell short and it was already fascist). A violated Constitution. The new Constitution in force is also violated. - Legislation. The Anti-terrorist Law is worse than APRAs. Military Tribunals.
Faceless Tribunals. Special Tribunals. Life sentences. Denial of the right to defense, for
two years they followed the law which sentenced minors the same as adults. Sentences with
the accused in absentia. Retroactive laws. Analyze the tactics they follow. They develop APRAs tactics (see the document "Develop the Peoples War Serving the World Revolution", pp. 108-109) [Spanish Ed. Tr.] "In point II, ONE YEAR OF THE APRISTA GOVERNMENT: "APRA under the leadership of García Pérez has followed the strategy of propping themselves on the poor masses of the shantytowns, winning the peasantry in the mountains, especially the so-called "Andean Trapeziod", binding the struggle of the people especially by using the IU as a caboose and uniting reaction under their command, isolating the proletariat, striking at the masses of people and aiming against the Peoples War, counting on the use of repression by the armed forces and police for this. Today this strategy is reinforced by more demagogically raising their falsehoods of a "Nationalist, democratic and popular State" and a greater high-sounding verbal anti-imperialism." Furthermore, see the management by the Ministry of the Presidency of CONADE, FONCODES, PRONAA, Development Committees, (Peruvian Army), etc. Police state: Along with the increase of the armed forces and police, and the strengthening of SIN (there was a proposal to have a SIN office in each ministry). Urban rondas. "Citizens security". The reelection of 1995 and the plan for re-nomination. Behind this is Hermoza and the armed forces clique. (See also:) On the Commentaries about the Coup Detat. April 1992, second paragraph. Two tendencies in the Old State: one fascist tendency and the other demo-liberal... There it establishes how Fujimori is opposed to parliament, ... traditional parties, etc. Fujimoris speech: "Modern State" ... this is based on something like Chiang Kai-shek said. (Selected Works, Vol. III, notes on p. 278, "On Coalition Government") [Spanish Ed. Tr.]: On August 1, 1932, Chiang Kai-shek promulgated his "Regulations for the Organization of Pao and Chia and for a Population Census in the Counties". He said that it was a basic administrative system with which the reactionary Kuomintang clique imposed its fascist domination. We must look at the Communities Law, see the date on which the law was passed ... but, the manner in which the peasantry is being organized is fascist ... there are similarities and differences with the Velasco era in 1968, they will not repeat this the same way, but at heart it is fascist; they try to give it a demo-liberal appearance but they have decided on fascism. See Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 52 ... absolute centralism ... We must review all of Fujimoris legislation; they aim to sow confusion with the part about direct democracy ... the current government is fascist but in demo-liberal clothing. In deeds, in the countryside there is already a fascist system, see the previous document, also "Overcome the Bend ..." In the cities. There is a police state, in other words, there is a fascist state. This was even said by one child of imperialism... We are not the inventors of the gunpowder, as Chairman Gonzalo said. In the second half of each decade their crisis aggravates, this is being fulfilled from beginning to end; there is a serious crisis but two decades have merged, the 80s and the 90s ... what they said in December about negative growth and that the following month inflation would rise ... they need to invest more ...
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