Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Central Committee
[Prepared for the Internet by the Magazine Red Sun]
The document "Elections No, People's War Yes!" proposes the following three points:
Chairman Gonzalo teaches us to study in order to apply theory, and he does it in an extraordinary way in the document "Rectification Campaign with Elections No, People's War Yes!". Let us learn from this to fortify ourselves by analyzing the actual situation; we have the "Political Foundations" which have guided us, continue to guide us and will guide us in the future. We can rely on the "Instructions" and we have all the Party documents that have been established. The world rocks and storms blow. All the empty and foolish chatter about "the new era of peace" has been swept away by profound political reality. Revolutionary and reactionary violence contend throughout the world, spreading the flames of war across five continents. This shows how imperialism will drown in a complex system of wars of many types, but which will basically be just or unjust wars. The powers and superpowers keep using their bloody bayonets on the oppressed nations, pretending to maintain their dominion "forever." Yankee imperialism aspires to be global policeman and sole hegemonic power, sinking its bloody claws into many points of the globe: Iraq, Somalia, the Middle East, Central Europe, Central America, Africa, Colombia, Peru, etc.) In essence, it is a rotten giant with feet of clay. Russia brandishes its nuclear inheritance to continue dominating and keep alive its old czarist dream, but has a disarticulated economy, coming from the process of disintegration that unraveled the USSR which still threatens the Russian Federation. Germany and Japan have their own claws but both face serious and growing problems. The former can't digest what it conquered, which has generated unemployment, lowered wages and financial problems. The second power faces its worst postwar crisis characterized by a worsening recession and financial failure, all this in the midst of a trade war with US imperialism. The other imperialist powers, England, France, Italy, China, etc. face similar problems. The circus of economic liberalism has blown up in their faces. The supposed bonanzas and superiority of the imperialism system have shown their character as more monopolist, more parasitical and above all more rotten. Thus, the same contenders of the previous World Wars sharpen their bloody knives and prepare for World War Three, as always in order to repartition the booty and suck the blood of nations and peoples like the vampires they are. This general counterrevolutionary offensive, headed by Yankee imperialism as the sole hegemonic power, in the midst of the general bankruptcy of modern revisionism, has reached its peak. It begins to fall, struck by the new great wave of the world proletarian revolution that begins to unfold; it is irresistible and no force in the world can contain it. The Third World is bigger than before: Asia, Africa, Latin America and even parts of Europe itself. Its power, its condition as a zone of revolutionary conflict and its potential as a base for revolution as an expression of the principal contradiction in the world, shows itself in the struggles of many peoples and nations, such as: Chechnya, Somalia, Black South Africa in the struggle against the slave traitor Mandela, in the persistent armed actions and the debacle of the so-called "peace accords," or rather treason. It feeds off the precious blood of the people's struggles, as in Palestine, El Salvador, Cambodia, Colombia, or the struggles in India, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, Iran, Iraq, etc. But above all, it shines in the Mao Centennial called for by Chairman Gonzalo, which has served to put Maoism as the new, third, superior stage of the ideology of the international proletariat, as the decisive weapon for the inevitable final triumph. Maoism has been taken up and carried forward as the unfading milestone of victory of the Communist Parties, the International Communist Movement, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement and the peoples of the world. It is inextricably linked to the campaign to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo. The waving red banner of the People's War in Peru is elevated and it inspires us to fight and also summons us to victory. Thus, what Chairman Gonzalo teaches us is done, and his actions confirm that revolution is the main historical and political tendency and that it will grow. The last monster, that devourer of man, imperialism, will be wiped off the face of the Earth, along with its lackeys revisionism and reaction. The People's War will prevail and Communism will shine. In Peru, the old society sinks irremediably into its general crisis, wracked by the People's War that marches unstoppably to carry out the Democratic Revolution. Our people suffer the merciless oppression and exploitation of imperialism, mainly Yankee, bureaucratic capitalism, and semi-feudalism, the three rotten mountains based on the old landlord-bureaucratic state which is the organized reactionary violence, the reactionary violence of imperialism, the big bourgeoisie and the greedy landlords. They unleash this with exacerbated class hatred against the people, now headed by the genocidal sell out dictatorship headed by Nicol s de Bari Hermoza Rios and his puppet, the mediocre reptile Fujimori. They crow over their economic success such as "economic growth," "reinsertion," "control of inflation, '' but it is no more than a boil about to burst. Short term successes lead to deeper general bankruptcy. The example of Mexico has made them wake up to their inevitable destiny. The grave they must fall into by necessity is buried by us, their grave diggers that is the PCP leading the people in the People's War. We live through the Third Moment of contemporary Peruvian society, of its general crisis and decomposition; this must be understood. Looking at the process of history, they have always had crises, leading them to lower and lower depths each time. Afterwards, they experience a transitional recuperation only to later plummet into crisis. Looking at the three moments of contemporary Peruvian society, each one has expressed itself in three parts: a preparatory phase, a second part of laying down bases, followed by the third part, which is its collapse. In this third moment, this phenomenon has been seen from 1980-1990 as the preparation part, passing over to the laying down of bases, especially since the coup of 1992. What is coming is the third part, their sinking and destruction. Here we compare some of their economic problems to the Mexican case. Peru has an economy 1/12 the size of Mexico's, and both countries have become indebted at the same scale of 7-8% of their GNP, much greater than Brazil or Argentina (2%) or Chile, "which has no foreign debt." Peru stopped payments in 1983 due to its inability to pay. Since 1992 by virtue of the "reinsertion" the foreign debt has grown by $3 billion which has not benefitted any productive sector, but rather has acted parasitically, taking more than it produces. Economists say that this rate of indebtedness can be paid off in installments, but given the spectacular crash of the stock market, it shows the sensitivity of the vagabond capital that comes to Peru and that runs away at the first sign of instability. The supposed $5.6 billion surplus in reserve is composed mainly of deposits from commercial banks, that deposit 40% of their income. Only a little more than a billion dollars is actually managed by the state and that is being squandered as if it lived in Queen Elizabeth's palace, with Prince Charles, Diana and everyone. Where will the reinsertion wind up? Mexico went bankrupt but it has the backing of the imperialist countries, which Peru will not have. Mexico has a debt of $150 billion; Peru has $80 billion, but Mexico has no expired debts, whereas Peru has $8 billion past due. Its debt to the Paris Club is heavily renegotiated and at very high interest rates. In Mexico there is the Chiapas problem (Zapatistas), but they move within the evolution of the old state, seeking elections. They want to whitewash the old system, and not destroy it, and they are linked to priests (on the other hand the people are fighting and expressing their desire to struggle); by contrast, in Peru there is a persistent and unstoppable People's War that is demolishing the system, which is not happening in Mexico. The bourgeois economists state that the risk for Peru is not this year, but perhaps within 2-4 years. Didn't they say that they were entering a great take off of the economy? Always basing ourselves on Gonzalo Thought, we must note that we are entering the second half of this decade, ever more critical than the first five years. This falls within crisis and destruction, as we must see that within this, we are approaching its third part. With regard to the so-called economic growth--isn't it based on road building, fishing and financial speculation? The reality of it is the collapse of national production; consider inflation, caught in the trap of a low price dollar, making the national products noncompetitive in the international market, which causes in turn a decrease in exports of goods and services, a negative trade balance, increasing unemployment and bankruptcies. The dollar was at 2.27 Nuevos Soles (NS) in August 1994, dropped to 2 NS in December and is now 2.17 NS (1995). If they devalue it to maintain parity in the exchange rate there would be an inflationary increase (keep in mind that 70% of savings are in dollars); some say that the dollar is rising rapidly and suggest lowering taxes or giving tax exemptions to exports, but require that our exports grow by at least a factor of four. This will not happen. Thus, a growing inflation rate is looming and the reactivation of production will not be realized. Due to this "Peruvian miracle" more that 70,000 infants die each year and hunger is spreading like a cruel plague against the physical integrity of the people: today we eat less than half of what we did 20 years ago. In 1990 there were five million people in extreme poverty and today there are 13 million. Homelessness is rising and there is a super-exploitation of the working class. The workday is growing longer, it has increased by over a half; real wages have declined and the rate of exploitation has risen because a handful of imperialists, big bourgeoisie and landlords are pocketing more profits by decreasing relative wages, not to mention the terrible working conditions of laborers. The peasantry is suffering from the putrid exploitation of that unburied corpse, semi- feudalism, which condemns millions of people to the most frightening misery. Today on new conditions, there is a renewed dispossession of land and a new concentration of ownership is developing. Behind the facade of "entitlements," "census" and the old weapons of mortgage and usury, semi-feudalism is being reproduced even in the capital, for example in the young town of Huayc n (peasants are being buried alive). Agricultural production is collapsing and the problem is deepening with the uncontrolled imports of food stuff. With respect to health and education, they are more neglected as ever, under the guise of "privatization" and "making them more efficient"; epidemics like malaria, cholera, TB, etc. are spreading widely. In education, public schools are being neglected, and while ridiculous inaugurations of colleges are staged for the purpose of improving the criminal image of the tyrant on TV. They show installations of computers where there is no electricity, while our children die of hunger. Kids don't have the money for pencils and paper and teachers grow tattered on miserable wages that they can barely live on. In housing, it is scarce and precarious if available, and groups of families are crowded together. In the countryside the masses suffer the most violent displacement, when they have land they can't even get a roof over their heads. They lack basic services like electricity, water and sewage and when they do have them they suffer painful taxes and exorbitant tariffs. Small and medium sized businesses bite their fingernails as they see how their savings and capital is liquidated, devoured relentlessly by the monopolies. With respect to the restructuring of the old state, our point of departure must be the understanding of the character of the State. It is a dictatorship of the big bourgeoisie and landlords serving Yankee imperialism, and it is a landlord-bureaucratic state. With the development of the People's War, the old state has become more and more reactionary, and with its need to develop the counterrevolutionary war it marches toward absolute centralization. We must also see how this process of reactionarization is managed by Yankee imperialism, which was behind the coup (April 1992) that marked its most open intervention, leading a reactionary offensive under the criteria of low-intensity warfare. They pursued the entire process of electoral consultation and it was Yankee imperialism that imposed that pile of paper they call a Constitution. The Constitution of 1979 satisfied no one and had a short life; the perspectives for the current one is worse, it is falling apart, violated by its own mentors. This "Constitution" is an instrument of low-intensity warfare. In essence, it serves to judicially consecrate the unchecked denial of the Rights of the People, hunger, general repression, genocide and the blatant auctioning of our country. Concluding this process of electoral consultation is the general election of 1995. Let us examine their institutions, their political parties, based on their representative system: how are they doing? In a very grave crisis. APRA, where is its third? Its "solid North?" In 1990 they barely got 15%, now their polls say 2%, "Mechona" is in the middle of a huge scandal; the PPC threw in the towel, "twisted mouth" had to give up in order to get at least a seat in the rubber stamp Congress; the IU is another mess. They are capable of anything, for example, of sawing the floor out from under themselves, of sticking knives in others' backs to fulfill their electoral dream, Barrantes yelling that he was getting out as fast as he could; the AP, the nephew of Bela£nde is hopeless, unable to get off the ground. The entire electoral process is a disaster because it is an instrument of the low-intensity war with the objective of "legitimizing" the old state and the government that leads it. It can't achieve this. On the contrary, the elections are increasingly deprecated and the "delegitimization" advances to a steady beat. Added to the aforementioned situation of the political parties and the electoral desertion, we see the "drama" of Susana, Fujimori's wife who wants to be the center of attention; we also see the situation of Campos Arredondo, closely tied to Fujimori, who included on his ticket one of Fujimori's friends, the thief Manrique Carreño. Even Pérez de Cuéllar announced his retirement. The consecrated electoral fraud is plain as day for everyone to see. These elections have been discredited nationally and internationally. Not even the bloody Prez de Cuéllar, nor the Yankees with their pimp Toledo, nor the imbecile Belmont can save it. Let us look at the Armed Forces as part of the state, which has its military-bureaucratic apparatus. With regard to the bureaucracy, it is a mix of authorities through those who exercise the power of the state, decorative ministers, the CCD (Congress) to perfume Fujimori's stench. The judicial power is totally servile and we now know that the JNE (National Electoral Board) carries out the electoral fraud and is a tool for reaction. However, the armed forces are the spinal column of the state and have the same class character of the state they uphold. These reactionary armed forces is controlled by the big bourgeoisie and landlords at the service of imperialism. They are against the people and with their daily assassinations, they are not the least bit "professional," so they are simply butchers, genocidal hyenas, very brave when killing unarmed masses, but cowards to die, cowards to face the armed people and cowards to defend the nation. They are experts at defeat, a dishonor of Bolognesi, Grau, C ceres and Quiñones. They call themselves "tutelary forces" and "policeman of the nation, but as part of the reactionarization of the state, these armed forces are rotten. They have seven or eight different groups within their ranks, but the dominant one is a depraved clique that has Fujimori on the point of a bayonet. He relies on the services of the murderer Luza and the traitor Montesinos, along with his "little brother" Santiago Fujimori. They all have dirty deals with drug traffickers like "Vaticano", Tijera, L¢pez Paredes or swindlers like Manrique Carre¤o, whom they turn their backs to today. This profound corruption generates thousands of contradictions and causes growing dangers for the old state, heading towards a major rupture. Furthermore, in this electoral process the armed forces are involved in the reelection of Fujimori and have taken up his electoral campaign. In synthesis, we stress that: these general elections of 1995 are more crucial than before, and they are a tool of low-intensity war and have the goal of "legitimization"; but very much to the contrary, the "delegitimization" advances to a beating drum, and they face the collapse of their electoral process. As a counterpart, the tendency of the people to oppose the elections grows. As we analyze the electoral referendum of October 1993, let's see what happened. A few weeks before Fujimori had read the alleged "surrender letter of Sendero" at the United Nations, Yankee imperialism, the sell out and genocidal dictatorship and the revisionists spread the counterrevolutionary hoax. One of their objectives was to win the elections, but what resulted? The Party responded with the uncontainable People's War. On October 21, 1993, there was the action at Hotel Crill¢n with others to follow, both in the countryside and in the city. Due to the Party's actions which elevated the boycott to its highest level, and thus has crushed the counterrevolutionary hoax close to 55% of the population over 18 rejected the electoral process and if we add the 22-23% that voted "no," we have 77- 78% of the population that repudiated the dictatorship. We focus on that 55%, on that torrent of masses, and keeping in mind the 22%, what was shown? That the Party, by elevating the boycott through the People's War, is running the country and defines its political process. Even the reactionaries proposed the three new thirds: Fujimori's third, the opposition third, and Sendero's third. HOW THEN IS RESTRUCTURING GOING, THE FOURTH IN THIS CENTURY? With respect to the counterinsurgency war, we must focus attention on the coup of April 1992. When they reach a turning point in that process, with a more open Yankee imperialist intervention in direct control, through the low-intensity conflict applied by the sell out genocidal dictatorship they escalate their campaigns of encirclement and annihilation because of their necessity to regain positions to maintain their system, that is, their task within the strategic equilibrium. The Party fought them and defeated them. However, they captured Chairman Gonzalo. All of them, including the revisionists and their servants thought it was a great defeat, but Chairman Gonzalo told them: "you are dreaming! Keep dreaming! It is a bend in the road, nothing more!" They believed that they could win a quick victory but crashed into the whirlwind of the unstoppable People's War, steered and built by Chairman Gonzalo, solidly united around the Great Leadership [Jefatura], the Basis of Party Unity, the People's War and the Plan of Strategic Development. They launched sinister plans with the complicity of their revisionist agents, infiltrators and traitors, launching more bloody offensives against the Base Areas, and launched the counterrevolutionary hoax, trying to implicate Chairman Gonzalo. However, their military offensives were crushed and their hoax of "peace talks" was defeated. Then they held a meeting in December 1993, and asked for more aid from their Yankee imperialist friends. Watson and other Yankee military brass came and launched their operations "Aries," "Oreja de perro," "Cojo Rodr¡guez," "Liebre" I, II and III, etc. However, they only reaped thorough defeats; they were bloody operations in which they have brutalized the unarmed masses, perpetrating the only thing they know how to do, genocide; but in the face of the thunder of the rifles of the People's Army of Liberation they fled from the battlefields like a stampede of rabbits. In November 1994, the chief of the Yankee Southern Command came. Why did he come? He came to plan a new and more developed campaign of encirclement and annihilation with a growing participation by Yankee imperialism under the guise of "now it is war against drug trafficking." Fujimori announced with great fanfare in December that the problem was the final war against the drug traffic and loudly proclaimed the active participation of Yankee helicopters and bombardments, but the masquerade was quickly uncovered by the powerful response of the Communist Party with the People's War, exposing that it was an anti-Communist offensive against the People's War, the Party and the people, and that it was open Yankee intervention under the charade of "war against drugs." Once again they are being defeated and fail to reach their objectives! Thus, their three counterrevolutionary tasks are impossible to accomplish both historically and politically; they cannot achieve them, nor will they achieve them. What is happening is the ripening of the conditions for the triumph of the People's War. The revolutionary situation is developing gradually and is marching toward the revolutionary crisis. This depends on us, on what we do with our actions. We can do it, because we have the invincible weapon of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, the Great Leadership [Jefatura] of the Party, and we have an invincible People's War. Revisionist wretches and the dregs of reaction want to throw dirt in our eyes when they talk about a "general political retreat." We must think about this. If our revolution suffers a great defeat (which has not happened yet), the revolutionary situation under development would become a static revolutionary situation, which would imply a retreat, but this would be no more than a small dark cloud in our brilliant advance. In China in 1927, the revolution suffered a hard reverse. It entered a situation of revolutionary stasis due to the actions of opportunism and revisionism. For this reason, they must be combated implacably; but if that is what revisionism did, what did Chairman Mao do? What did the red line do? They didn't say whine? They didn't say dialogue, they said People's War! And then they began the path of surrounding the cities from the countryside. We must learn from this! We are Maoists, furthermore, we have Gonzalo Thought; we must think then, even under the worst circumstances, that the People's War cannot and will not be stopped, and the red flag certainly will not be lowered. The People's War is our only hope. Let us reaffirm ourselves in the solemn promise that we have taken up, of not abandoning our arms until Communism! Before the overwhelming revolutionary reality, the reactionaries sink, drowning in the midst of the genocide that they perpetrate against our people. The reactionaries are being completely demolished by the People's War. The shadows will be buried and the light of the sun will illuminate every corner of our homeland. Border with Chile: There is the treaty from the last century, which is the root of the war with Chile; later came the Treaty of 1929, in which Chile kept our land Arica, and Tacna was returned to Peru. Under the Treaty, Chile assumed the promise of building a bridge in the port of Arica and to cede the ownership of it to Peru. Related to this, Bolivia would have access to the sea through a corridor to the south of Arica. During the government of the (guadameco) García Pérez, Pinochet said that he could give a corridor to Bolivia north of Arica, that is, between Arica and the Line of Concordance. Neither the genocidal demagogue Garcia nor his Chancellor Allan Wagner said that corridor is ours; in actuality, the government signed the so-called "Lima Convention," with worse terms than the one signed in 1929. There was a general outcry and the Lima Convention was suspended; but on other hand, they have sold copper mines to Chile that are on Peruvian territory, as in Moquegua As if it wasn't significant, Bolivia now has its corridor and even its "Bolivian Sea," not to the south of Arica, nor to the south of Tacna, but farther north, in ILO. Border with Brazil: There are three entryways to the Pacific for Brazil (note that it is from Brazil to the Pacific, not Peru to the Atlantic): One is from the south, entering by Madre de Dios, from Puno to Matarani (Arequipa). In 1992, Brazilian businessmen arrived in Arequipa and said that Matarani is the "natural exit" for Brazil to the Pacific (for the transoceanic highway). The other is by way of Atalaya to Lima, which cuts Peru in half, and the third is in the north, entering at Bagua and reaching Piura. Border with Ecuador We must consider several issues. The Congress has already outlined to us the border problem, and Chairman Gonzalo has reiterated it in his masterful Speech, where he established three centuries, three crises that put the nation at risk. That is our point of departure. The Conflict with Ecuador This problem carries over from the previous century, from the time of the Greater Colombia of Bol¡var. In 1941 there was a war and in 1942 the Rio de Janeiro Protocols were signed where Peru ceded, "from generosity" they say, thousands of square kilometers. The borders were established and marked, relying on four "guarantors" (four rogues, with the biggest rogue the Yankees.) Boundary markers were not set, and 78 kilometers of the Cordillera del C¢ndor were not set, and from that time this issue has been manipulated by Yankee imperialism and the reactionary governments of Peru and Ecuador that are always against the people, and against our nations in formation. In this specific case, we must see that for many years Ecuador has been inside our borders; they were there in 1981. At that time, Hoyos Rubio (Chief of the Joint Command of the armed forces) stated that we should go to Guayaquil and definitively mark the border. Shortly after, he suffered a strange accident. Ecuador remained on our territory, and starting from 1990 this invasion has unfolded. Fujimori and the Armed Forces have endorsed it. In 1992, when Durán Ballén took the presidency of Ecuador, Fujimori was there and assisted him, and Durán Ballén stated that "Ecuador is an Amazonian nation" and invoked the expedition by Orellana. What did he mean by this? That all the northern border of the Amazons belonged to Ecuador, or that Iquitos is part of Ecuador? What did Fujimori do? Years before, the wretched Luis Alberto S nchez walked out from a public meeting in similar circumstances, but Fujimori applauded the rabid Durán Ballén and later embraced him. Later the Ecuadorean reactionaries picked him up and carried him through the streets of Quito. Before this Torres y Torres Lara ordered by the "victorious General" Hermoza R¡os, signed the "Gentlemen's Pact," ratifying the Ecuadorean invasion. Our borders have been given to us by the people, they have given them to us with their blood, and only the people can defend them. Today the only way to do this is by joining the People's Army of Liberation to make the People's War led by the Communist Party. As far as the reactionary Armed Forces, when have they defended Peru? When have they defended our borders? The reactionaries have not stopped giving away our territory to other countries. They have handed over territory to Brazil, Colombia, Chile, and Bolivia. When have they defended the nation? Never! What about today with the sell out, genocidal dictatorship? Even less. No one can tell us that the sell out, the traitors, and those who kill the people are going to defend our territory! Since when does a thief protect our goods? Never! What have Fujimori and the reactionary Armed Forces done in the last few years? They have followed their law of genocide and betrayal, and worse yet, one must see the actions described earlier. In the midst of their growing "delegitimization," the failure of their tasks [e.g., reinvigorate bureaucratic capitalism] and the defeat of their electoral process, what can we conclude? That behind the conflict with Ecuador there can be nothing more than malevolent interests and sinister plans against the people and the People's War, on behalf of Yankee imperialism, the genocidal sell out dictatorship, and the reactionary Ecuadoran government! Furthermore, we should think: Do the Ecuadoran people have fundamentally different interests than the Peruvian people? No! They do not. We have the same fundamental interests; people do not fight against people! For this reason we say: Peruvian and Ecuadorian people unite, and frontally combat Yankee imperialism and native reaction! This can only be done through the People's War today more than ever. Without the People's Army of Liberation the people will have nothing and without the People's War they will conquer nothing, and their destiny will not be formed. For all of these reasons, what do we then need? More Communist Parties, more People's Liberation Armies, more New Power, and the People's War! For these reasons, we fight for the Rights of the People and the People's War against repression and genocide and against the old state and imperialism. We fight tenaciously and heroically for the People's Republic of Peru. We must reaffirm and apply the slogan: UNITE THE PEOPLE IN DEFENSE OF THE GREAT LEADERSHIP [JEFATURA], AGAINST THE GENOCIDAL DICTATORSHIP! REAFFIRM OURSELVES ON THE BASIS OF PARTY UNITY AND BUILD THE CONQUEST OF POWER! We have been applying the 6th and penultimate Military Plan. In the international, national, and party situation, which make the detention [of Chairman Gonzalo] historic and put all the forces in tension, we are implementing what was established by the Third Plenum of the Party. We have implemented the First Campaign, defending the life of Chairman Gonzalo and defeating the enemy, because the torch has remained lit. The Second Campaign was developed in September 1993 to June 1994, and obtained a powerful victory, crushing the most developed campaigns of encirclement and annihilation launched by the enemy in those 13 years, along with their counterrevolutionary hoax. Their dream of a "quick victory," in which they would liquidate us in a few months was turned into a nightmare, because the People's War was not only maintained, but it has been developed, which demonstrates how profoundly it is rooted in the people. Our people clamor from their deepest soul for more and more Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought People's War, and the red flag has been elevated even higher, with our leader Chairman Gonzalo and our glorious PCP. On the basis of these two campaigns, the Third Campaign was established, which has been an all-round and brilliant success, a crushing campaign in which we have been powerfully crushing the enemy. This is shown by the Ayacucho Committee between the months of August and November 1994, with a counter-campaign with an active defense and the People's War that annihilated over 100 soldiers of the genocidal Armed Forces in ambushes and other military actions. In Huallaga in the same period, in other ambushes, 58 elements of the Armed Forces and police were annihilated; in addition we eliminated counter-revolutionaries, infiltrators, and traitors. Afterwards there were more ambushes, assaults, and military hostilities, highlighted by the ambush in the locality of Previsto. In all these actions, more than one hundred of the enemy forces were annihilated. In Cangallo-Fajardo the People's War continued, the seizure of towns, the annihilation of informers, sweepings, annihilation of rustlers that acted against the people and as enemy agents, highlighted by the ambush of Chumbilla, where a military convoy was attacked inflicting seven casualties. In the north there were seizures of towns, annihilation of police officers and old authorities, as well as the assault on the police post of Aglomarca in Cajabamba, completely demolishing it. In the mid north the armed actions continue incessantly, with incursions and seizures of towns that have fallen back into reactionary hands. In the capital, there was the September offensive, with sabotage and car bombings, sabotage of the electrical grid, annihilation of police officers, SIN agents, and their lackeys of the Peace Accords, widespread agitation and propaganda, harassment of police posts, car bombings of two Air Force bases, the car bombing of Luza and D'Onofrio, the ambush and capture of Fales in Comas (November), the sabotage of banks and financial institutions, arson of the commercial chains of the big bourgeoisie, among other actions. The People's War has continued developing persistently in the south of the country, to which can be added the heroic resistance of the prisoners of war, who are fighting the enemy under very difficult conditions, persisting in combating, mobilizing, and producing, converting the gloomy dungeons of the reactionaries into Shining Trenches of Combat, no matter what the handful of treacherous, wretched, loyal servants of Yankee imperialism that spread the "Peace Accords" may say. We must continue combating the revisionists and capitulators because if we don't combat it we cannot build apparatuses superior to those of the enemy, and we cannot conquest power throughout the country. The main thing is to reaffirm ourselves on the Basis of Party Unity and Build the Conquest of Power, and this demands crushing offensives against the revisionist and capitulators, sweeping it away, and purging the Party so that it is strengthened, so that its fortress-like nature is expressed even more as the Party created by Chairman Gonzalo. Like a fine sword of the purest steel, we are bastions of that fortress, we have been, we are, and we should be even more so. It is a necessity and the class and people demand it of us! Therefore, we must PREPARE THE STRATEGIC OFFENSIVE THROUGH THE CONQUEST OF POWER, as befits our hill in the Strategic Equilibrium. We are currently applying the IV Strategic Plan of the People's War to seize power throughout the country. We must apply it more, with Communist firmness and resolution, as it guides us, gives us a road, and allow us to face the most sinister enemy offensives. To persist in this is to strengthen the unified People's War, making more Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought People's War that follows the path of surrounding the cities from the countryside and whose nerve centers are the Base Areas. Take this, that the Base Areas must materialize the relative stability of the New State on its march towards the People's Republic of Peru, and this is done by way of the VI Military Plan, with the plans of victory established by our Chairman Gonzalo, heroically followed by our Central Committee and the entire system of leadership. This is done by defeating and crushing the enemy's campaigns of "encirclement and annihilation," managing the four forms of struggle and above all guerrilla warfare, because without annihilating enemy forces we cannot preserve nor develop our forces, and we cannot beat their bloody offensives. We are prepared to cross the river of blood, the trench of blood and victory that the conquest of power countrywide demands of us; life will be affirmed on top of a pile of corpses. We will face difficulties and tumultuous times, but we are a new force with brilliant prospects. We emphasize the importance more than ever of the slogans: "Learn from Chairman Gonzalo!" and "Embody Gonzalo Thought!". We will apply Gonzalo Thought and darkness will be made clear, what appears to be impossible will be achieved and the difficult will become easy. We must recall what Chairman Mao taught us: "The war will be won by whoever resists one more minute . . . " We know how to do this. We will win because we know what we want, and what we want is power. For this reason, we are focused in combat: "Our center is combat, and our daily life is war," so let us develop further the People's War. This is how things are, and the problem is and shall continue to be: "fight or die, the bloody struggle or nothing." PEOPLE'S WAR UNTIL WE REACH COMMUNISM!
¹This is a temporary.translation, final correction is pending. |
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