(Extract of the Red Sun Magazine nr 20)


Crush the convergences with the revisionist and capitulationist Right Opportunist Line abroad; unmask and crush the revisionist positions of "El Diario Internacional"!


The revisionist and capitulationist Right Oppportunist Line (lod) has been crushed, through people's war, by the Communist Party of Peru, that applies in a masterful way marxism-leninism-maoism, gonzalo thought, principally gonzalo thought, because it is the creative application of the universal truth to our concrete reality and our guarantee of triumph until Communism; the lod has never been structured inside the Party, but outside it in the prisons, nursed and fathered by the reactionary armed forces and its fascist regime, all this under the command of yankee-imperialism and within its "20-year plan". Within the Party convergences with the lod were expressed in the sphere of ideas, criteria, positions and attitudes, but the present lod never structured within the Party; and they were swept away in two-line struggle, and so was the case in all the field of the people. Now the lod is crushed, the rats have stampeding disbanded and the shows they recently have tried to carry out are nothing else than an attempt to save themselves from the revolutionary justice that sooner or later inevitably will arrive and before it they will more than pay for their black treason against Chairman Gonzalo,the Party and Revolution; it will be like this no matter what it happens. Now what corresponds to do is to sweep away finally and fully what is left of the lod abroad, and see there the necessity of finishing with the convergences left in the field of the people.


Thus it is necessary to unmask and crush the revisionist positions that have been expressed for a long time on the pages of "El Diario Internacional" (EDI); the authors of this magazine, for many years, have been turning away from the line of the Party and they are basically negating all the Party documents since the capture of Chairman Gonzalo, negating in this way the leadership of the Party they have attacked rottenly and systematically the Party work abroad. We have insisted on trying to solve this situation in all possible ways, but because of their stubbornness and insistence on the worst type of rotten bourgeois individualism they have insisted on their filth and they have reached the point of converging so systematically with the lod that, in the present situation, they clearly tend to put there feet in the swamp of revisionism, and have the nerve to go to the miserable lines of the damned lod, hence the necessity of crushing and unmasking the revisionist positions of EDI publicly. That is why we have issued the following text in which we briefly point out some of the most vitals points in which the editors of EDI launch attacks against the line of the Party, against the almighty gonzalo thought.


Critics to the document entitled "POLITICAL DECLARATION" of the "First International analyses Seminary about the people's war in Peru", distributed by "El Diario Internacional".


1. Starting with the name of the seminar: Since when has a seminar been held abroad to "analyze" the people's war in Peru? What do the organizers of this event imagine, that from abroad they should "analyze" the situation in Peru, the people's war? And to cap it all, without representation of the Party! The concrete is, that they are negating the leading role of the Party; they think they are illuminated, that they know more than the Party about the Peruvian revolution; if yesterday it was about the international situation, now they pretend to know more than the Central Committee about the people's war itself. This "inflated" guy of EDI has gotten totally lost in his fantasy world, he is so ridiculous that we are quite amazed that some people still can take what he says seriously. They express revisionist criteria of negating the leading role of the Party and they think that he can "taste the flavor of the apple without eating it" which it is pure idealism. At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


2. The document starts: "The present difficulties that the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), go through and the regression of the people's war doesn't take away the merits of the valiant Peruvian communists, the same that since 1980 have make heroic efforts to develop the armed struggle, to liquidate the system of oppression and to conquest the Power to the oppressed." This is his starting point.


This is a complete negation of what it has been established by the Party, which is the only thing that corresponds to reality: The people's war is coming out of the bend in the road which was the significance of Chairman Gonzalo's capture. The quoted extract express a revisionist position because like all the revisionists they only see the black of their own grave; they sow pessimism acting like an echo of the hoax of "pacification", serving the plans of yankee imperialism and converging totally with the rats of the lod, putting forward "the regression of the people's war"; what has happened was a temporary inflexion in the three instruments of the revolution, and this has not been the first in the people's war, but this one, like the previous ones, are being overcome by the Party applying gonzalo thought to solve all the new problems that have arisen in the process of the people's war, within the Strategic Equilibrium, building the Conquest of the Power in the whole Country. Those who are speaking of "regression" (Note that this word is repeated in the text and is the fundamental argument in the whole discourse) are the miserable rats of the lod and their reactionary and imperialist master; then if you claim to support the people's war why do you act like the resonance box of what the enemy says? At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


3. The document continues: "In 20 years of people's war, the Peruvian Maoists led by the PCP and Chairman Gonzalo have given admirable lessons that remain solidity deep rooted among the masses and the proletariat of Peru."


That they "have given admirable lessons"!? And what happened to gonzalo thought? The editors talk only about "admirable lessons", but not about our guarantee of triumph until communism, and Chairman Gonzalo is not - to them- the center of party unity; in this way they launch attacks against the base of party unity, against Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, gonzalo thought, against the program and the general political line. For them the people's war is something from the past, always speaking in past tense, soon the same as the lod, they will start to speak of "the fourth stage of Peruvian society", that is where one arrives when one doesn't know how to settle in the line of the Party, in the red line of Chairman Gonzalo, the same as the lod; they preach capitulation and they only keep in their minds the people's war like memories, like a story to tell their grandchildren. They look for amnesty; try to reduce gonzalo thought to something from the past. At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


4. The document continues: "The PCP, during two decades of titanic struggle against a gigantic repressive force of more than 650 thousand military, police and paramilitary forces; witch are supported by United States and other imperialist powers, have proven that it's an authentic Party of the proletariat, capable of confronting and resisting it's enemies on an adverse field full of obstacles."


And what about conquering the Power? For them the Party is only able to resist; they don't say that the party is defeating each one of the "encirclement and annihilation campaigns" of the enemy, that the long term plan of Yankee imperialism is being crushed, that the people's war comes out more tempered and the conquest of Power in the whole country it is being built. It is the same that the reaction says: "The shining path is not able to win, they are strategically defeated"; or the lod state: "the people's war have been defeated". Those are the black dreams of imperialism, reaction and revisionism .At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


5. Further on they say: "The PCP, in these 20 years of intense armed struggle, could put into practice the fundamental thesis of the scientific theory of the proletariat (marxism-leninism-maoism), and starting from the own Peruvian experience developed important thesis for the struggle of the communists… Another thesis is the one that expresses that all revolutionary processes led by the proletariat have the necessity to generate en guiding thought of the revolution."


Merely a lot of "thesis", but these are to him no longer universal truths of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, and even more, of gonzalo thought; they reduce gonzalo thought, they don't point out that it gives contributions to the development of marxism. So then, neither is it a coincident that they forget the Great Leadership (Jefatura); because on the base of the Guiding thought, every revolution must generate a Great Leadership (Jefatura), like the Party line establish. We can see that since the beginning they are negating the Party, gonzalo thought, and our Great Leadership (Jefatura) Chairman Gonzalo; they think of themselves as great Marxists, but they are full of revisionism, they say that they struggle against revisionism in the bosom of the international communist movement, but concretely they express the same revisionist positions as the other individuals that try to trade on the struggles of the international proletariat and the peoples of the world. Assuming a revisionist position that doesn't even keep up appearances, talking about "thesis", they don't put forward that gonzalo thought is the application of the universal truth of maoism to our concrete reality made by our Great Leadership (Jefatura) and that contributes to the development of marxism, minimizing in deeds the action and thought of Chairman Gonzalo and in that way they negate our base of party unity and the light that guides our people's war, the almighty gonzalo thought until Communism! that was given to us by the Congress and the revisionists always try to negate gonzalo thought. So, what does EDI say? At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


6. Further on, it continues: "The fujimorist regime…" What? Are we reading "La República"?


These stupidities about "fujimorism" are something that is used by reaction (the so called "opposition") to negate that it has been a fascist, genocidal and country-selling regime, that has failed in it's task of defeating the people's war; this is the main reason that the yankees now are setting another puppet as president of the old State, and the motive is not the corruption and the drug trafficking. The authors of this text have never agreed with the typification of the regime as fascism (no say fascism curtly, but a fascism to adapted to combating the people's war) made by the Party, but have agreed completely with the lod in putting forward that this was not the case. These characters are repeating what the reaction says and negating what the Party has put forward? Is it not, by any chance, obvious to everybody in the world that this is a characteristic of every revisionist? At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


7. The text say: "For these reasons, Peru's present crisis is a deep crisis that shows the moral and political misery of all those who coexisted with the administrator of the narco-government of Peru. This crisis is not only a problem of fujimorism; at bottom it's a total crisis of the bourgeois landowner political system of Peru submitted to the imperialism."


The essence of the problem was never a problem of moral, the problem is that it was a fascist, genocidal and country-selling regime of the old bureaucratic-landowner state, that it was not able to defeat the people's war, and that because of this it could not fulfill what yankee-imperialism demanded for the accomplishment of its "20-year plan". About the "crisis", they negate the situation of the bureaucratic capitalism, that it is in its last and final crisis, being destroyed by the Party through the people's war; they talk of a "political system", but don't talk about its economic base nor say that the old Peruvian state, as any state, is a class dictatorship; if today you negate that there is landowner-bureaucratic dictatorship, tomorrow will you not perhaps negate the necessity of the dictatorship of the proletariat? At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


8. Let's see their conclusion on the national situation: "What should be done about this problem? The exploited of Peru must combat equally against the remainders of fujimorism and all those in the nauseating parliament, the political parties, the NGO's, the church and the universities who contributed and maintained the ill-fated regime of Fujimori and Montesinos. The peruvian people must take lesson from the passed, and we must keep in mind that today they present themselves as moralizers and unbridled anti-fujimorists when they were the first to support the narco-fujimorism, since it was installed 1990. The oppressed, if they really want to get rid off the deceit, the manipulation and the swindle must act with their own movement of struggle, independent from the bourgeoisie classes and parties that since decades have move within the fraud and demagogy. Without a frontal struggle witch have the strategic objective of conquest of Power and the defeat of the oppressors and their political representatives, the oppressed will be deceited and used time and again to balance the internal brawls of these."


Very well! It wasn't a rabbit who came out of the hat, it was rather a rat! They have already forgotten about the classes; they talk about "the exploited" and "the oppressed" but nothing concerning the proletariat, the peasantry, the petty bourgeoisie, the national bourgeoisie. Not a word on the indispensable leadership of the proletariat through its general staff, the Communist Party of Peru. Not a word about the only road of the people, the democratic road, being the People's war. They talk about the "conquest of Power" but don't put forward how to do it, except for "frontal struggle"; they fear the revolutionary violence, they negate the great principle that "Power grows out of the barrel of a gun". Are they perhaps not converging with the lod, that put forward "the war without arms"? It is pure capitulation. At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


9. Further on, we see how they trade on the defense of the life of Chairman Gonzalo for the sake of personal interest, it says: "We propose that Luis Arce, director of 'El Diario Internacional' should be a part of this Commission, who must have the guarantee of the present government to allow him to enter Peru and carry out his profession freely."


This caps it all! Shamelessly he asks for amnesty, and not only that, but also enrollment; this gentleman not only wants the reaction to "forgive him" for the small things that he claims to have done, but also wants to be allowed to work within the old order. The same as his old pals of the lod! He has stripped and revealed himself as a miserable traitor; what next? Is he going to make an international campaign to raise funds for his trip? He is following the course of all the capitulators; it can never be allowed that an individual trades with the defense of Chairman Gonzalos life. It is a sinister attitude. At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


10. Further on, we read: "The annulations of the sentences and legal proceedings against the citizens accused of terrorism and treason is a step backwards and must serve as a juridical frame to LIBERATE THE POLITICAL PRISONERS AND PRISONERS OF WAR, including those that are under arrest since the first years of the 1980's."


He likes so much the new puppets of yankee-imperialism that he believes that the political prisoners and the prisoners of war of the Party are going to be liberated by a reactionary regime! They negate that the only way to liberate the militants, combatants and masses that now are in the shining trenches of combat, is through the people's war. They negate that the principal way to defend their lives is with people's war; they are saying the same as the lod. It's obvious that they no longer have any confidence in the Party and the masses, the only thing that they see is their pessimism, their capitulationism and their revisionism. For them the people's war is no longer necessary to liberate the political prisoners and the prisoners of war. At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


11. Further on he is bolting concerning "the current crisis of leadership of the ICM…", but he hasn't understood anything, and everything he is putting forward clashes with the line of the Party; he doesn't adhere to anything in the international line of the Party, what the Party has reaffirmed applying masterfully marxism-leninism-maoism, gonzalo thought, in several documents and directives, and he doesn't see how the Party is assuming its role as red faction within the international communist movement.


He doesn't understand a bit of the current situation in the international communist movement and within the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, and he is converging with what he claims so much to combat. He is politically blind and is repeating things that not even he himself can handle, it is vulgar. Neither does he understand the strategic offensive of the world revolution, nor that the revolution has become the principal historical and political tendency, nor that the new great wave of the world proletarian revolution has started to develop, nor does he understand how the struggle against the revisionist positions witch is expressed by some in the RIM, is being carried out in the current situation, nor does he understand the general counterrevolutionary offensive led by yankee-imperialism at a world level. They understands nothing, they can't handle anything; but believes they know everything. And he paints himself as an "anti-revisionist"! The reason he doesn't understand anything, is that he has another position at bottom: like the lod, he wants to sustain the idea of the "RIM, communist parties only by name", and like the lod, he dreams of "the retreat of the world revolution". He spreads pessimism and doesn't see the current process of the world proletarian revolution: that maoism is being incarnated in the peoples of the world, generating militarized marxist-leninist-maoist Communist Parties, marching unstoppably to command and lead this new great wave of world proletarian revolution that has started to develop! The only thing that the authors of this document see is their own rotten pessimism. At bottom, it is a revisionist position.


12. In the last part of the text, it says: "The fundamental political task to give an impulse to the international communist movement is to work for the construction, reconstruction and strengthening of true communist parties."


How do they define "true communist parties"? They don't. Their only criteria to be in agreement with a party or an organization is if it spreads the EDI or invites the editor of this magazine to, at different events, trade on the name of the Party and the people's war. That is why he lends himself to collaborate with all kinds of revisionists and opportunists at an international level. He doesn't assume the position of the Party, that is that we need militarized, marxist-leninist-maoist Communist Parties that, generating a guiding thought and a Great Leadership, develops the people's war applied to the concrete conditions of each country; these are true Communist Parties that we must aid in their constitution or reconstitution, according to the particularities of each country. he doesn't see that the ideological and political line decides everything, but focuses on numbers. These are old opportunist positions that have been crushed since Marx. At bottom, it is a revisionist position.




- The document "POLITICAL DECLARATION" of the "First International Seminar for analysis of the people's war in Peru" spread by the magazine "El Diario Internacional" is an opportunist document, from the beginning to the end the text is full of revisionist positions (we point out that we have only mentioned some "pearls"), that express full convergence with the lod;


- The authors of this document put forward capitulation before imperialism, reaction and revisionism, seeking amnesty and enrollment;


- In a systematic way they attack and try to undermine Chairman Gonzalo and his almighty thought, the Party and the people's war.


For these reasons, it is the task of every Communist and activist to denounce, unmask and dynamite these black revisionist positions spread by the El Diario Internacional and we must do it as part of the two line struggle to sweep away finally all the convergences with the lod that are expressed at an international level.


 February 2001



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