The Peru People’s Movement, generated organ of the Communist Party of Peru, solemnly salutes the international proletariat and all the communists and revolutionaries of the world on this occasion of the CXXXI anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao Tse-tung. We reaffirm ourselves in the universal ideology of our class, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism; third, new and higher stage of Marxism, valid for all countries to apply to the concrete conditions of each revolution. We highlight here the application of Maoism to the Peruvian revolution, Gonzalo thought, the foundation of the Great Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, the greatest man of the present epoch and the guarantee of triumph for the Peruvian revolution until communism; and especially the universal contributions of Gonzalo thought to the world revolution, principally that of having defined the universal validity of Maoism as the higher stage of the ideology of the proletariat. The current events in the world confirm in a powerful way, more and more every day, the masterful theses of Chairman Mao and the urgent need for Communist Parties that fully take up Maoism in order to be able to command, mobilize and arm the peoples against the imperialists and their wars of plunder and redivision. What we are seeing is a war of redivision on world level between the imperialist superpowers – Yankee imperialism, Chinese imperialism and Russian imperialism – which so far has not taken the form of direct and declared war between the superpowers, but that concretely constitutes the beginning of a new imperialist world war. Just like the First and the Second World Wars, the current war also has two aspects: 1) the collusion of all the imperialists against the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples and 2) the interimperialist struggle to redivide the world and for world hegemony. The situation in the Middle East gives clear evidence of these two aspects. The imperialist wars of plunder in the region, and especially the genocide underway in Palestine, have intensified even more the just hatred of the peoples in the region against imperialism and its outpost the Zionist state. Against all of imperialism’s efforts to divide the peoples by fomenting national, territorial and religious contradictions etc., we now see the growing tendency towards the unity of the Arab peoples against imperialism and Zionism. The destruction of the state of Syria and its regime was not solely a part of the war of redivision between the imperialists, but also a desperate attempt to break this unity of the nations of the Middle East against imperialism and to safeguard the imperialist monstrosity, the Zionist state and its genocide. As Marxist-Leninist-Maoists, Gonzalo thought, we condemn and crush this imperialist attack on the sovereignty of the Syrian nation; an attack planned and organized by Yankee imperialism in collaboration with the genocidal Zionists and the reactionary state of Türkiye, using their mercenaries in the Islamic State and Al Qaeda; organizations that have been fomented and used by the Yankees and the Zionists since long ago to divide and dominate the Middle East. This aggression against Syria and the rapid fall of the Assad regime confirm once more the weakness and incapacity of the bourgeois nationalist regimes, dependent upon imperialism, when it comes to defending their nations against imperialism. It emphasizes in a powerful way the urgent need for the oppressed peoples to strengthen their unity and coordinate their efforts against imperialism, basing themselves on the power of the masses of the people in order to not let themselves be misled by some country-selling and traitorous so-called “rebels” nor by the governments that are dependent upon one or another imperialist power or superpower. We call all the communists and revolutionaries of the world to firmly take up the task of leading and arming the masses against all the imperialists, defining and focusing on the main imperialist enemy in each region or nation, building the United Front – according to the conditions of each stage of the struggle – together with all forces that are for combatting imperialism and its lackeys. In this process, the communists must always maintain their independence within the front and aim to lead it, since the proletariat today is the only class capable of leading the war of national liberation and bring it to victory. To take up these tasks, it is indispensable to build or reconstitute the Communist Parties as militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties, in implacable struggle against revisionism, which denies the power of the masses, promotes capitulation and sells out again and again to the imperialists. We reiterate that the current international situation is characterized by the general and final crisis of dying imperialism, the growing revolutionary situation in uneven development and the offensive of the world proletarian revolution. The genocide in Palestine, the war of imperialist redivision and the fascistization and reactionarization show the weakness and death throes of the imperialist bloodsuckers and increasingly stir the revolutionary force of the masses of the world, strengthening their unity, pointing at the inevitable necessity of the world people’s war against the imperialist world war. LONG LIVE THE CXXXI ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG! Peru People’s Movement |