In celebration of the Day of the International Proletariat we solemnly salute the proletarians of the world, who today together with the oppressed and working peoples confront the dictatorship of the exploiters, their intensified repression, their “states of emergency” and their genocidal wars of redivision and plunder. In the midst of the spontaneous and revindicative struggles, the proletariat advances in its class consciousness and its understanding of the current situation: of the general and final crisis of dying imperialism and of the revolutionary situation in uneven development and the strategic offensive of the world proletarian revolution. The people’s wars and armed struggles under the red banner of Maoism develop in Peru, in India, in Turkey, in Philippines and other places, and on all the continents there are communists who dedicate themselves to follow these examples, learning from Chairman Gonzalo and the Communist Party of Peru to apply the universal ideology of the proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism to their own revolutions and build or reconstitute their Communist Parties in the midst of the class struggle – and in implacable struggle against revisionism – to prepare, initiate and develop the people’s war in each country. What the imperialists and reactionaries call the “Corona crisis” is in reality only a part of the general and last crisis of the whole system of exploitation and oppression in the world, imperialism. The pandemic is unmasking the role of the old reactionary states before the exploited and oppressed masses, that their role is not to protect the health of the people, but to safeguard the profits and the power of the exploiting classes, mainly of the big monopolist bourgeoisie. Likewise, the pandemic reveals how the imperialists and all their governments and lackeys take the pandemic as a pretext to legitimize their already ongoing plans for more counterrevolutionary repression and violence against the growing protests of the peoples all over the world. The crisis was already a recognized fact before the pandemic; the bourgeois economists had already declared a new imminent financial crisis, “worse than the one from 2008” – in reality another crisis of overproduction – and in the whole world these bloodsuckers were already taking desperate measures trying to find a way out of their crisis through intensified exploitation and imperialist war of redivision and plunder; and to that end, intensified repression, more open dictatorship and fascism to try to contain the masses and ward off the rebellion. And the revisionists inside and outside of the bourgeois parliaments fulfill their role of defending the system and uphold the people’s trust in the reactionary state, calling the masses to obey the orders of the state and focusing on their propaganda against “neoliberalism” or against the sitting government, but never against the capitalist system itself, i.e. the bourgeois dictatorship and imperialism, in the name of defending so-called “democracy”. The true character of the current measures is revealed when they now ban the masses’ mobilizations under the pretext of “social distancing” while they force the workers to continue working crowded together in the factories, in the stores, in public transport etc.; exploitation must go on at all costs. In this way the masses learn more and more that they cannot trust the reactionary states, that these will not protect their health or their rights. In Chile, Iraq, Lebanon and other places, the mobilizations continue, defying the states of emergency and confronting the reactionary violence, and in different places we see how the masses organize to protect themselves against the virus independently from the state. Today, the proletarians of the world will celebrate May 1st by combatting and resisting all the repression, with marches, with violent struggles, with different forms of agitation and propaganda, showing once more that imperialism, reaction and revisionism with all their states, all their propaganda and all their weapons can never stop our class. We call all the workers and oppressed peoples of the world to continue struggling, taking the necessary measures to protect themselves and defend the health of the people. We call the communists of each country to forge themselves as leaders struggling shoulder to shoulder with the masses in these struggles and develop the revindicative struggle in the service of the struggle for the power, and as a part of the process to build or reconstitute their Communist Party where this does not exist, as a Party of the new type, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and militarized for its central task of preparing, initiating and developing the people’s war in each country, aiming for the world people’s war in order to finally sweep away imperialism and the whole system of exploitation and oppression from the face of the Earth. LONG LIVE THE DAY OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROLETARIAT! Peru People’s Movement |