The Peru People’s Movement, generated organ of the Communist Party of Peru, celebrating with revolutionary joy and optimism this First of May, Day of the International Proletariat, salutes the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world who struggle against imperialist aggression in their objective of liberating themselves from exploitation and oppression. We salute the People’s War of Peru, led omnimodally by the Central Committee of the PCP; the people’s wars and armed struggles that raise the red banner of Maoism; the national liberation movements and armed struggles that fight the Yankee, Chinese and Russian superpowers and the other imperialisms and reactionaries. We salute the struggles of the masses for their immediate demands in the imperialist countries, like in France and other places. Today imperialism as a whole, the three superpowers, US, China and Russia, as well as the other imperialist powers, finds itself in its general and final crisis. They are not strong, as the reactionaries, revisionists, reformists, etc., claim. Therefore, the imperialists find themselves in the inevitable necessity to carry out the new repartition of the world, through war. We find ourselves within the 50-100 years pointed out by Chairman Mao of the sweeping away of the imperialists and reactionaries from the face of the Earth. We are in the Strategic Offensive of the World Proletarian Revolution. In order to avert revolution, the imperialists and reactionaries have the objective to decapitate the proletarian leadership of the revolution or prevent its formation. And in order to do this they push forward ideologies foreign to the working class, like “21st Century Socialism”, “multipolar world”, “Democratic Confederalism”, etc.; they create false Maoists, raising red banners against red banners and even resorting to fascism. We reaffirm ourselves in what is demanded by the CC of the PCP: 1. Apply the slogan: May Maoism Assume Command of the New Great Wave of the World Revolution! Together with our whole Party we take position for the historic role of the proletariat as the leading class which will unite the peoples and bury capitalism; that the struggle of the proletariat is not for begging for handouts from the bourgeoisie or to “improve” capitalism but to overthrow the exploiting classes, to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and march with people’s war and cultural revolutions until Communism. LONG LIVE MAY 1ST, DAY OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROLETARIAT! Peru People’s Movement |