Proletarians of all countries,
.(Speech by Chairman Gonzalo, September 24, 1992.)
Five years since his pronouncement, the masterful Speech by Chairman Gonzalo continues to shine victoriously and powerfully before the world and its clear validity and justice is once again confirmed. The call made by Chairman Gonzalo to the Communist Party of Peru, to the combatants of the People's Liberation Army and the Peruvian people to tighten all forces has been responded to not only in unison but with crescendos. Today we can confirm beyond any doubt that the agreements of the III Plenum, personally led by Chairman Gonzalo, are being applied very successfully, agreements such as the IV Strategic Plan of Development of the People's War and the VI Military Plan to Build the Conquest of Power, and this will continue leaving no room for any doubt. We also wish to use this opportunity to express our most fervent greeting to and acknowledgment of the heroic combatant, the Communist Party of Peru and all its system of leadership, which is leading more than 17 years of powerful and victorious People's War which marches unstoppably towards the Conquest of Power Countrywide. CHAIRMAN GONZALO: GREAT LEADER OF THE PARTY AND THE REVOLUTION. CHAIRMAN GONZALO AND GONZALO THOUGHT ARE INSEPARABLY UNITED. "All revolutions, in their process of development, through the struggle of the proletariat as the leading class and, above all, the struggle of the Communist Party that raises their unrenounceable class interests, give rise to a group of great leaders and principally one who represents and leads it, a great leader with acknowledged authority and influence. In our reality this has taken shape, on account of historical necessity and causality, in Chairman Gonzalo, Great Leader of the Party and of the revolution. Moreover, and this is the foundation of all great leadership, revolutions give rise to a thought that guides them, which is the result of the application of the universal truth of the ideology of the international proletariat to the concrete conditions of each revolution; a guiding thought indispensable to reach victory and to conquer political power and, moreover, to continue the revolution and to maintain the course always toward the only great goal: Communism; A guiding thought that, arriving at a qualitative leap of decisive importance for the revolutionary process which it leads, identifies itself with the name of the one who shaped it theoretically and practically. In our situation, this phenomenon specified itself first as guiding thought, then as Chairman Gonzalo's guiding thought, and later, as Gonzalo Thought; because it is the Chairman who, creatively applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions of Peruvian reality, has generated it; thus endowing the Party and the revolution with an indispensable weapon which is the guarantee of victory." (Fundamental Documents, Communist Party of Peru, 1988) This is what the PCP has established concerning Chairman Gonzalo and Gonzalo Thought. Chairman Gonzalo is the Great Leader of the Party and the revolution and its foundation is Gonzalo Thought, a solid foundation. And this is the reason why the Party did not doubt for a second that the so-called "peace accord letters," which were attributed to him, were nothing more than a hoax launched by imperialism, revisionism and reaction which sought to slander Chairman Gonzalo in order to carry out their premeditated, treacherous and insane plan to annihilate him. This was one more counter-revolutionary hoax in the many which they have mounted and will continue to mount as part of their psychological war within their so-called "low intensity warfare" with the vain intention of annihilating the People's War. Already in December 1992, in a public resolution of the Central Committee, the Party had alerted the heroic Peruvian people to not be fooled by the dark hoaxes periodically and systematically mounted by the enemy with the intention of covering up the extremely grave situation in which the old State finds itself, without any hope of escape, the humiliating defeats suffered by their genocidal armed forces at the hands of the People's Liberation Army and the sharp contradictions, which today are inflamed even more and are rising again, between the two factions of the big bourgeoisie and which are clearly reflected among their rotten armed forces. Once more the Party made an affirmation, but not everyone wished to hear its voice. Among the latter, some swallowed the hoax whole while others threw themselves into "investigating the different aspects involved," only to later end up questioning Chairman Gonzalo himself and his all-powerful thought, hinting about the existence of "signs" which give cause to think that Chairman Gonzalo is behind the hoax of "peace accords." To give a basis for this they present, among other things, examples of "leaders" in the history of the International Communist Movement (ICM), which after having served and contributed to the ICM for years, have crossed over to the other side, to counter-revolution. But we must not allow anyone to throw dirt in our eyes. Consider, first: they talk about leaders, but Chairman Gonzalo is Great Leadership that is solidly based on Gonzalo Thought; and in the history of the ICM there is no Great Leadership which has crossed over to counter-revolution: not Marx, not Lenin, nor Chairman Mao Tse-tung did so. Second: what did the great Lenin say about some of these so-called "leaders?" On Plekhanov: " the years 1905 to 1917, Plekhanov revealed himself as a semi-doctrinaire and semi-philistine who, in politics, trailed in the wake of the bourgeoisie." On Kautsky: "...we can now see, as we study the history of Kautsky's latest betrayal of Marxism, his systematic deviation towards opportunism . . . " (The State and Revolution, by Lenin). Concerning Chairman Gonzalo and his All-powerful Thought, can the same thing or something similar be said? NO. Furthermore it is necessary to recall and above all understand the Leninist thesis on the question of the relation masses-classes-Party-great leaders; that the revolution, the Party, the class, generate great leaders; they generate a group of great leaders and especially one which stands out over the rest and that heads them up. That is how it has been and is in every revolution, this corresponds to the fulfilment of laws. Thus everything has its place. Great Leadership is Great Leadership and it must never be permitted that anyone raise a hand against it. CRUSH THE REVISIONIST AND CAPITULATIONIST ROL The crushing of the revisionist and capitulationist right opportunist line (ROL) is one of the objectives of the plan currently being applied: Overcome the Bend in the Road by Developing the People's War (part of the VI Military Plan), and like the other five objectives they have been fundamentally completed; what remains is the finishing touch. This, without any doubt, is one more victory for Chairman Gonzalo, the Party and the Peruvian People. But it is necessary to see some important questions with respect to the revisionist and capitulationist ROL and its development. The Party has established that the ROL is revisionist and capitulationist, revisionist because it specifically revises Gonzalo Thought and capitulationist because it openly and shamelessly capitulates before imperialism and reaction. It has had a special development and this can be divided into three parts: before, during and after the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo. Before: already in the II Plenum some presented serious problems which expressed themselves, in synthesis, as strong opposition to sanctioning that the Strategic Equilibrium had been reached, saying that this "had to be built." Chairman Gonzalo masterfully led the struggle and finally it could be sanctioned that the Strategic Equilibrium had been achieved, leaving those who opposed this "dry as the floor of the henhouse." During: it is in the final part of the III Plenum that Chairman Gonzalo is arrested, and he had already indicated the existence of signs of a ROL and foresaw that the struggle would be antagonistic. Some of those involved were doing as they pleased and had even altered Party documents. It is at this point in the development of the revisionist and capitulationist ROL that it becomes structured, not inside the Party but outside, in the prisons, and this should be made completely clear, that the ROL has never been in the Party nor in any leadership organ, much less in the Central Committee. It is in this part that the counter-revolutionary hoax of the "peace accords" appears and the ROL, now structured, tries to infiltrate the Party and utilizing agents they try to win over some bases, but the Party's response was powerful, determining the annihilation of certain "black heads" who served as the link between the prisons and their work "outside," some of whom worked directly and in coordination with DINCOTE. This was a hard blow to the revisionist and capitulationist ROL and ruined their plans. How was it possible to prevent the ROL from becoming structured within the Party? It is the firm application of Gonzalo Thought which has prevented the ROL from becoming structured within the Party. It is because the Central Committee has remained firm in following the leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, who seconded by Comrade Feliciano and jointly with other comrades head up the red line, and this is key because it serves to maintain the course and does not permit revisionism to act. After: we find ourselves in the final stretch of this third part and the Party has given the directive that in the two-line struggle we must center on the ROL to crush and sweep away whatever vestiges that may remain no matter where. Aim at the points of convergence that may exist; don't conciliate with them but assault them and demolish them, as the Party says: vaccinate yourself against revisionism and do not allow the ROL to grow. THE FUJIMORI GOVERNMENT IS GENOCIDAL, SELL OUT AND FASCIST In Peru the old and rotten society is continuing to sink irremediably into its general crisis, demolished by the People's War which marches inexorably to complete the Democratic Revolution. The Peruvian people continue to suffer from the remorseless exploitation and oppression of imperialism, principally Yankee imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and semi-feudalism, rotten mountains sustained by the old landlord-bureaucratic State which is the organized reactionary violence, the reactionary violence of the imperialists, big bourgeoisie and landlords which they continue to discharge with exacerbated class hatred against the people. This has allowed the People's War to sink deeper roots and develop even more. On the other hand, their three tasks, as the Party has already established, are historically impossible and reality is demonstrating this: the restructuring of the old state is a complete failure, their so-called "constitution" is leaking everywhere, it is violated by they themselves and it is now as clear as water that it is nothing more than an instrument of the so-called low intensity warfare. The reinvigoration of the economy, with their hackneyed "successes" and everything, is nothing more than a blister at the point of bursting, a transitory flowering that has reached its highest point. What is coming is another vertical drop from which no one will be able to save them. Their efforts to annihilate the People's War have been in vain, they have not accomplished this and will not accomplish it. From another side, the bend in the road, which happened as the product of inflection, is being overcome and its overcoming is the primary objective of the current plan being applied whose objectives have been completed in the fundamentals, lacking only their completion. Thus, the People's War blazes victoriously throughout the country and there is no force in the world which can detain it, it is more developed, more deeply rooted and the Conquest of Power Countrywide presents itself as a real and concrete perspective. The revolutionary situation in growing development continues to unfold more and more and will necessarily reach the revolutionary crisis. In the face of this inevitable development the old state has become more and more reactionary, seeing now the need to apply fascism, but a fascism adapted to combat the People's War. This will not be able to stop the People's War nor impede the Party from continuing to apply the IV Plan of the Strategic Plan of Development of the People's War and the VI Military Plan established by the III Plenum, because although this increasing reactionarization signifies more oppression and genocide for the proletariat and people of Peru, we know that blood does not drown the revolution, it waters it. CALL TO CELEBRATE THE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MASTERFUL SPEECH BY CHAIRMAN GONZALO. This year it is five years since Chairman Gonzalo gave us his masterful
speech on the 24th of September 1992. This must be celebrated and the Communist Party of
Peru has made a call to do this on a national level as well as internationally. This must
be a celebration which expresses our reaffirmation in the Great Leadership of Chairman
Gonzalo and in Gonzalo Thought, which must express our plain, unconditional and voluntary
submit to him. From here the MPP assumes its promise to unfold a Celebration in accordance
with what has been proposed by the Communist Party of Peru and calls on all Communist
Parties and Organizations, the International Proletariat, the Peoples of the World and all
the revolutionary and progressive forces to unite on this Fifth Anniversary of the
Masterful Speech by Chairman Gonzalo which shines victoriously and powerfully before the
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