doing is under the leadership of the CIA. I.- Everything the ROL has done and is doing is under the leadership of the CIA The Communist Party of Peru has crushed the revisionist and capitulationist right opportunist line (ROL) with people's war and what remains are remainders of this accursed line. Although the miserable rats have not obtained anything for their treason, and what they say is being ignored by reaction, reaction is using those rats, their "relatives" and their so-called lawyers in order to maintain the absolute isolation of Chairman Gonzalo. With this article, we want to serve the task of continuing the sweeping away of the remainders of this accursed ROL and of the convergences with it; we do it by denouncing and bringing into the open all the hoaxes fabricated against Chairman Gonzalo since his arrest in September 1992 until the present, parts of these hoaxes being those concocted against Comrade Feliciano.
This is why we have to start from the fact that the "Low-Intensity Warfare," by the official spokespersons of Yankee imperialism also denominated "Low Intensity Conflict" (LIC), which they since 1985 are presenting as a new strategy of war on a low level, without war being declared under the norms of international law. This is the "new" strategy of counterrevolutionary war that has been made fashionable in the period after Yankee imperialism's disaster in Vietnam, during the Reagan government, as the rebirth of their "counterinsurgency warfare," in order to struggle for world hegemony facing Soviet social imperialism (struggle for spheres of influence, for the Third World countries - plan for hegemony) and in order to act as world counterrevolutionary gendarme. This strategy becomes especially important from the beginning of the 90's, within the general counterrevolutionary offensive led by Yankee imperialism in its role of sole hegemonist and world gendarme, in the midst of the accelerated preparations, made by the same contenders as in the two previous imperialist world war, for a third world war, as was denounced by Chairman Gonzalo in his masterful Speech. Today, Yankee imperialism more than ever needs to head and further apply this general counterrevolutionary offensive and its LIC, within what it has called "a new national security strategy for a forward-reaching, pre-emptive strategy against hostile states and terrorist groups" (Bush, September 2002) in order to, by means of the acts of war they will bring to all corners of the world, impose a "new world order" and confront world revolution. To this end it is at the present moment developing its imperialist war of aggression. Despite this, Yankee imperialism is since that time, since the mid-80's, seeking to present their "new" strategy in an apolitical and ahistorical language, attempting to make us believe that wars can simply be classified depending on the quantity of armed forces and the means used in them. To us, the wars divide into just and unjust, revolutionary or counterrevolutionary, war of liberation or of aggression; the problem is which class is leading the war. According to the United States' National Defense University, the LIC consists of the following elements: "a) The combination of military and nonmilitary forms of struggle. The most well-known components are the civil action programs, the psychological operations and the propaganda campaigns, all these having a vast political content. b) A very low level of participation of Unites States military combat forces: LIC contains the direct US military participation, but it takes place by means of supporting the native forces, either government or opposition forces, or through small units for special operations, or through secret operations. This is an essential and long-ranging element of the LIC." In Peru, Yankee imperialism is, since Fujimori's coup d'etat on April 5, 1992, via the CIA leading its "low-intensity warfare" or LIC against our People's War. Their agent Montesinos was only the top of this iceberg. Today, they continue with the "Yankee with Indian hat" (Toledo), just like they did during the Paniagua government. And it is via Montesinos, Merino, etc., that the CIA, counting on the support of the rats of the ROL, sets up the hoax of the "peace letter" against Chairman Gonzalo. "c) The mobilization and support within the US. The political and psychological components of the LIC are not only foreseen to be applied in the conflict area but within the US itself as well. Great efforts have to be made to mobilize and maintain an internal support - in Congress, in the media, and in the public opinion." The lesson they drew from Vietnam is that the war was lost as much in Vietnam as in the US itself. This establishes the importance of this "nonmilitary" component of the LIC, of the psychological warfare, which is to be applied in the conflict area and likewise in the US itself. This is why imperialism, from the very initiation of our People's War, has carried out a political campaign of lies and hoaxes against the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) and the People's War it leads. Chairman Gonzalo warned us about this at the beginning of the 90's; basing himself on the fact that the Yankees themselves point out, that "the strategy is becoming complex and the goal is overall and not only military, the response is also complex, it is long-range", the Chairman says, "facing a war like ours, they will have to consider that it is not something simple... Fujimori also puts forward that the problem is not simple, nor is it a short-range one." They put forward a protracted war "that might last for decades." Their psychological warfare or psychological operations are applied by psychological operation (PSYOP) troops, by propaganda specialists. These are stationed at Fort Brag, from where they are deployed according to the needs. Their directives, such as directive 33-5, define "psychological warfare as the application of propaganda and other means of influencing the opinions, attitudes, ways of thinking, feelings and behavior of allied, neutral or enemy forces." The PSYOP troops use every form of mass communication. The PSYOP contain all forms included in the CIA directive for "Psychological operations in guerrilla warfare." (All the directives for the secret services and the CIA issued by Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton were modified by five memoranda - Memoranda of Notification in the US bureaucratic language - issued by the Bush government in September 2001, by which the former are given full powers to continue carrying out their secret or hidden operations, without running any risks nor being subjected to any control, except by their chief, Bush). Today, the operations such as the new hoaxes the CIA is setting up against Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP are included as part of their "World Operation Plan", a top secret document prescribing "hidden operations" in more than 80 countries (assassinations, hoaxes, drug trade, arms sales, the buying of politicians, militaries, etc.). The central objectives of the psychological operations are: 1) To modify the relations among the soldiers in order to gain the people. 2) To change the behavior and perceptions of the population, of the insurgents during the war; in other words, the way the population perceives them and the way the insurgents perceive the countersubversive war and the military operations; they aim to make them perceive the revolutionary war as a failure. They want to change the views of the population and of the insurgents, so that they perceive the war as bad, that it is not possible to conquer political power; for instance, they tell the population, "there is no light because they blew up the pylons." This brief explanation we can better understand what the CIA, reaction and the miserable rats of the ROL are after with their "peace letters" and all their pulp documents, when they say that "the People's War will not be able to triumph", "that the war has ended through failure", "that they are remainders", that "they are divided between three committees", that "the bases lead", etc. Even more so, if you keep in mind that a "decisive factor for these psychological operations is breaking the resistance in the hearts of the men, which implies ideological struggle" (see Total War against the Poor, Ulrich Duchrow et al.). Which is the objective of this ideological struggle of the enemy against the Communist Party of Peru, the heroic combatant that leads the People's War? They have nothing to put up against our all-powerful ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, against our program and our general political line with its center, the military line. We are superior in ideology and in politics, this is where our strength lies. We have a superior military strategy: our invincible People's War. We are the new, revolution in unstoppable march, through people's war, until communism; they incarnate the exploitation, oppression and misery for the overwhelming majority of the world population. This is why these miserable cowards are carrying out an unprecedented crime of war by using the world's most important prisoner of war as a hostage, submitting him to an inhuman and degrading treatment, presenting Chairman Gonzalo as a traitor, as a revisionist and capitulationist who disowns the People's War, and they are doing the same with Comrade Feliciano. They are also doing it against all the Party members, combatants and masses that fall into their clutches; we denounce the clandestine detention centers like the dungeons of the SIE (Army Intelligence Service) and very much in particular, the concentration camps at the Callao Naval Base, Challapalca, Yanamayo, etc. But they are centering on Chairman Gonzalo because he is the Great Leader of the Party and the revolution. Because Chairman Gonzalo is inseparably united with Gonzalo Thought, which is the basis for his Great Leadership, because he is the center of Party unification and the guarantee of triumph. Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP prepared us against the LIC and the enemy's psychological warfare. He pointed out to us that when the enemy talks of negotiations, it does so in order to try to divide the Party; that negotiations only can take place as the consequence of what has been won on the battle field; that we only will negotiate their surrender; that many may fall, even he himself, but that those who remain can and must continue. Thus, in his masterful speech of September 24, 1992, he calls us to continue the People's War because of what we are, communists serving the arrival of the new society. In 1991, the book "The Counterinsurgency Era" by Douglas S. Blaufarb was studied in the Party. In this book, the author talks about the "pacification" in Vietnam, "which in fact was not achieved, due to the means used; the population was bombed, displaced by force, or caught in the crossfire as a combating force, in encounters in or around their homes. This was applied to those who resisted. Even more so, the pacification effort meant a veritable massacre of the population, such as with 'Operation Phoenix', conceived by the CIA that attempted to neutralize the guerilla - eliminating their supporters by any means. It was not achieved in spite of the mass murder, in 1968, during 'Operation Phoenix', under the direct orders of the US, 26,369 South-Vietnamese civilians were murdered and 33,658 imprisoned under infernal conditions." This is why Blaufarb draws the conclusion that "you cannot eliminate the infrastructure without first eliminating the organization that leads it." The Chairman tells us: "This means the Party; a formidable lesson; the French put forward: 1) sweep away the leadership of the Party and 2) break the relationship with the masses. First the Party because as long as the Party exists, revolution will continue." This is why they are attacking Chairman Gonzalo, the center of Party unification, in order to sweep away the leadership of the Party and bring revolution to a halt, this is the decisive objective that the enemy is after with their hoaxes. But they know that no true communist, nobody who has a pinch of brains can believe in their hoaxes; this is why they launch their hoaxes while at the same time keeping Chairman Gonzalo and Comrade Feliciano in absolute isolation, seeking to at least spread the doubt. This is what the miserable rats of the ROL are grappling in order to try to cover up their treason and flee from the revolutionary justice. This is why every Party member, combatant and member of the masses knows that doubting is losing yourself, that doubting is serving the enemy's plans, each and every one of them knows that truth is in favor of the people and that armed with the truth of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought and with people's war, we will unmask each and every one of the hoaxes against Chairman Gonzalo and the PCP, blowing them into a thousand pieces. To sum up: all the hoaxes and all the propaganda that the CIA - directly controlling Peruvian reaction and the ROL - is spreading concerning Chairman Gonzalo and the Communist Party of Peru form part of the psychological warfare within their LIC. In all this dissemination, they are following what is stipulated in the Yankee manuals for psychological warfare, the latter being waged in a planned and permanent manner, with well-defined goals, mixing false (gross, incredible and even fantastical) information with partially true information. This is in the technical intelligence terminology known as disinformation, and as we have seen, it is aimed at allies, neutrals and enemies. The disinformation is indispensable for the entire montage, in order for them to fulfill their global goals. The so-called "vladivideos" (the recordings of interviews, meetings etc. between Montesinos and different persons) are an example of this. In what is being disseminated, true conversations are being mixed with montages fabricated for their hoaxes. Montesinos himself has revealed to his judges that he - following the most elemental norms every spy applies - always inserted false information in his conversations with one of his lovers, and a fellow CIA spy, called "Pichi Pichi". It is a principle in every reactionary war that it, in the course of its preparation and development, always is accompanied by a campaign of lies and hoaxes in order to manipulate public opinion, their own or that of the others. As the Party has repeatedly pointed out, imperialism and reaction are practitioners of what German fascism taught: "lie, lie, so that something remains." This is why the hoaxes and the montages, the vile defamation of Chairman Gonzalo should not surprise anyone. What Yankee imperialism is seeking, is to portray Chairman Gonzalo as a revisionist and a capitulator, dreaming of being able to damage the morale of the class, annihilate leadership, divide the Party and annihilate the People's War. They seek to divide the international communist movement and the RIM and isolate the People's War of Peru. All this forms part of imperialism's general counterrevolutionary offensive, which it develops against the strategic offensive of world proletarian revolution, of which the People's War of Peru is the torch. This psychological warfare has developed in a sharper way from the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo and onwards. The "peace accords", the pulp documents and the so-called "self-criticisms" of the rats of the ROL, the "hunger strike", "Feliciano's capitulation", and today the "new trials" and the "judiciary reform" - all this forms part of Yankee imperialism's plan. This plan has been carried forward by the CIA and its agents, like Montesinos, using the rats of the ROL. That revisionism collaborates is normal, it is part of its class character, but in this case, due to the sharpening of the contradictions at the national and international level, the treason of the revisionists has reached an extreme level: "traitors, opportunists and revisionists have existed during the long years of Party life, but seemingly never like these, so treacherous, reptilian and perfidious" (Against the Genocidal and Country-Selling Dictatorship, Persist in the People's War, CC of the PCP, March 1995). The role of the rats is to serve the hoaxes, and this is why the CIA ill-conceived them. The "peace letters" are a gross and ridiculous hoax that no one with a pinch of brains can take seriously In October 1993, Fujimori presented some so-called
"peace letters by Chairman Gonzalo" before the UN, accompanied
by fabricated videos. The Central Committee of the Communist Party
of Peru immediately and without any hesitation established that
it was a hoax fabricated by reaction: The ROL, the "letters" and the "peace
accords" are the complete negation of Gonzalo Thought and they
are CIA creations. The CIA has admitted to the fatherhood of their
runt, like when CIA agent No. 2, Rafael Mertino Bartet, "career
advisor to the National Intelligence Service (SIN), where he had
worked since 1980, and specialist on leftist doctrines,"
recognizes that he is the one who has elaborated the "letters"
and that this was part of the plan "Storm in the Andes":
"I have studied their congress documents and the famous
'interview of the century'. All and all, the entire Shining Path
production and especially the so-called 'guiding thought' or 'Gonzalo
Thought'. I have revised the same books as him, and this is why
it was easy for me to reproduce his style of writing."
(Caretas 1720, May 9, 2002) To this exact information, they
add the hoax that they want to disseminate, that Chairman Gonzalo
is to have corrected and signed the "letters."
The hoax of the "peace accords" has been planned by the CIA through its agent Montesinos, as part of the counterrevolutionary war or LIC. Montesinos worked with those who became rats since before the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo; a key piece in this was the CIA agent who in the dens of the rats is known as "Father Lancier". This Belgian who belonged to the French "Foreign Legion" and who has served the CIA in Japan, Indochina, South Africa (where he was part of the "work" with the traitor Mandela) and thereafter in Peru. He established contacts with the rats since the beginning of the 80's in the prisons, thereafter he maintained these contacts outside (when the rats came out of prison, they used to meet him in la Recoleta - a school for the big bourgeoisie's children) and on several occasions, he helped them with contacts abroad. This "Father" used to meet the rat Morote (or "Remigio") when the latter was imprisoned alone in one of four cells located in a detention center for special prisoners in Canto Grande, another cell facing his being occupied by Polay, who also received this privilege on behalf of his APRA comrades, this was at the time of García Pérez' fascist government. Morote was there from his detention and until the moment of his being placed among the remaining prisoners in order to do his "work", before 1992. Our Great Leader has not been arrested due to reaction's own efforts, but due to the informing of one of the capitulators, "Arana Franco, he who gave us the information to get to him" (Transcript of Video No. 1312. "Meeting Doctor [Montesinos] - Patricio Rickets", January 12, 1998). After the arrest, Montesinos and the CIA already know that the arrest as such would not stop the People's War; this is why they have the plan ready to defame Chairman Gonzalo, seeking to foment the split of the Party. Several of the so-called "vladivideos" contain declarations by Montesinos, where he explains the way he has acted as father and mother of the "peace accords" and of all of what the ROL has done. Thus, Montesinos confesses the way the CIA conceived the plan when he says: "Abimael Guzmán [...] has a fortune here in Peru and we have to take advantage of this fortune, and he [Fujimori] says to me: we have to take advantage of this fortune" (Transcript of video no. 1324. "Meeting with Dr. Guillén [mayor of Arequipa]", November 23, 1998). Of course he and his buddy Fujimori want to portray themselves as the true parents of the creature. And further, in the cryptic language of the intelligence services, Montesinos - in Panama, in October 2000 - sees to it that a picture is taken of him wearing a striped shirt similar to the one Chairman Gonzalo was made to wear to be presented in the cage. By this, Montesinos wanted to tell his masters that if they did not fulfill their obligations to him, he would reveal the greatest infamy the CIA and reaction has ever committed against a prisoner of war, that is, reveal the hoax against Chairman Gonzalo. After this took place, Montesinos was immediately able to travel to Peru in order to sort out his affairs before, once more, going ahead with his tactical retreat under the protection of the CIA and the old and rotten Peruvian state.
In order to try to give credibility to the hoaxes, CIA and reaction also need to count on the collaboration of persons that they could present as "PCP representatives." Thus, they have made a selection among the prisoners. Some, like the rat Morote, had already capitulated before Chairman Gonzalo's arrest. Others have been taken to the dungeons of the Army Intelligence Service in order to be "convinced" (broken down, like in the Military Junta's Argentina and Pinochet's Chile; the CIA applies this experience in Peru, combining it with the practice of the MOSSAD in occupied Palestine in order to obtain the "collaboration" of the prisoners that have been broken down, prisoners that they thereafter let out of prison in order to have them infiltrate the resistance organizations of the Palestinian people). As the general Miguel Rojas García says: "following a mere oral order, the terrorists in the prison Yanamayo were taken to Lima - to the basements of the SIE - between May and November 1993, when the peace accord was structured. The terrorists transferred were Laura Zambrano, Martha Huatay, María Pantoja, Osmán Morote and Elena Iparraguirre" (Comercio, March 13, 2002). As can be seen by the words out of the mouth of this SIE general himself, they did not go to the Callao Naval Base, but to the basements of the SIE in the "Little Pentagon," in Lima, in order to finish off the work of breaking them down; neither can the general say that Chairman Gonzalo was taken to one of these dungeons during the time when the rats of the ROL were there, which refutes what is said about there having been a joint meeting between them and Chairman Gonzalo to "sign the peace letters"; this never took place. It was also during those months that the CIA carried out the work with each of the prisoners, combining torture, threats, etc. with promises on advantages, and then Morote who had already capitulated and Pantoja, Salas and Huatay are definitively put to work with the CIA, with reaction and to serve the hoax of the "peace accords." Thereafter, reaction has taken the rats from prison to prison, even by airplane, organizing "meetings" in order for them to disseminate the hoax among the prisoners of war. These traitors of the ROL, together with the reaction, have made a selection among the prisoners, in order to find those whom they thought they could break down more easily. Unable to achieve their plans, they have tortured them, they have placed them in cells together with rats of the ROL, etc. The same has been done with the new prisoners of war. The rats of the ROL have been nursed and sponsored by reaction - this is what the Communist Party of Peru establishes, and it is not a mere affirmation, it is an undeniable and concrete fact. What has the perspective of these capitulators
been? In no way that of a communist. As the rat Morote admits,
talking with a journalist from Comercio: "in one way or
another, those who signed the so-called Peace Accord were managed
by the sinister former intelligence advisor, whom he, nevertheless,
throughout the interview called doctor Montesinos. [...] 'We knew
from the beginning that we were the weaker party. There was without
doubt a political handling of the fact, but put yourself in our
place. If you are in prison and they are the ones handling the key
to your cell, well then there are only two roads: either you fall
down crying, or you decide to have a dialogue and seek a solution.
We opted for the second', he explained". (Comercio,
March 2, 2003) Morote himself in his very own high person is here
openly and without subterfuges confessing that he is a practitioner
of the philosophy of renegades like Liu Shao-chi and Teng Hsiao-ping,
thus opposed, contrary and a deadly enemy to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism,
Gonzalo Thought. All of what the rats have made public via the channels
of the CIA and of Peruvian reaction, like what they have declared
directly, follows to the letter the libretto of these revisionist
arch-traitors and renegades that Liu Shao Shi and Teng Hsiao Ping
were, all of which was crushed during the Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution. Thus, being practitioners of the renegade philosophy,
Morote and all these miserable traitors of the ROL have started
working with reaction and have renounced the unchangeable promise
given by the communists and the sons and daughters of the people,
armed, to continue the shining example of our prisoners of war who
on June 19, 1986 engraved a milestone of heroism, in order to developing
the People's War, serve world revolution until communism. Montesinos' servile rats In order to even more clearly bring out the servile
relation the rats have with the CIA through SIN, today CNI, we transcribe
- in a separate text box - Montesinos' conversation with the rats
Morote and Pantoja ("the Mexican"), walking cadavers who
will pay with interest for the crimes they have committed. Here,
it is once again shown how the CIA, in this case through Montesinos,
is controlling the rats for the hoaxes and how the rats are collaborating
with complete readiness, kneeling down.
The so-called "self-criticisms" have been fabricated by reaction The CIA, Peruvian reaction, the ROL and "others"
as well have disseminated the so-called "self-criticisms"
of the rats in order to spread their venom. These "self-criticisms"
have been fabricated directly by the department for psychological
warfare of the SIN (under the leadership of the CIA), as is the
case with all of what is being spread in the name of the ROL. We
reaffirm ourselves in what the Party has established concerning
the "self-criticism" by "Nancy" (Margie Clavo).
The "investigators" have voraciously devoured the dish
served, they have taken advantage of the opportunity to launch their
vile attacks against Chairman Gonzalo and his all-powerful thought,
serving and converging with reaction's plans. The "investigators"
said that this SIN and CIA product "further strengthens
suppositions that Chairman Gonzalo is indeed proposing the line
of seeking a peace accord" ("Document on 2LS from
CoRIM" from 1995, made public in 1996).
Reaction is making propaganda and agitation for the
ROL even without the participation of the rats. The fascist and
genocidal armed forces have spread "ROL" leaflets, principally
in the support bases. The SIN has sent its agents to shantytowns
and universities to "argue" in favor of the ROL and identify
those who defend the Party line. Montesinos says: "I've
been carrying out a very nice work at the university, I've formed
a team that have dedicated themselves and they have studied all
the Shining Path documents; thus, they've learnt the language, which
is fundamental, how to dress, how to behave, and then they go to
the universities to make a political debate defending the position
of Abimael Guzmán to see who comes out in favor of the position
of Feliciano.
The fate that awaits every informer
and infiltrator: II. The continuation of Yankee imperialism's
Chairman Gonzalo and Comrade Feliciano are in total
and perpetual isolation, as is being unmasked and denounced by the
Communist Party of Peru. This is why the rats saw themselves forced
to "recognize" the isolation of Chairman Gonzalo, and
started carrying out a false campaign to "break the isolation,"
while they in fact are serving the CIA plans to maintain his isolation.
In November 2000, the rats said that they had "reestablished
communication" - but how can it then be the case that the rat
Pantoja presents a habeas corpus "to end his isolation",
dated December 4, 2000? The petty-fogging lawyer Fajardo
is - as was denounced in issue number 23 of Red Sun - working with
the rats, he is one of them, and on top of this he is at the personal
service of Morote - has also had to recognize it. What this petty-fogging
lawyer says to the media and public opinion, about being "Guzmán's
lawyer," he himself contradicts before the Constitutional Court,
in his habeas corpus of March 5, 2002, where he "demands
the immediate end to the solitary confinement, absolute and perpetual
isolation and the subjection to inhuman, degrading conditions of
confinement, incompatible with human dignity, to which it is asserted
that the beneficiaries in said prison [the Callao Naval Base] are
subjected." (See the Sentence of the Constitutional Court,
EXP. N.° 935-2002-HC/TC, June 20, 2002). The fact that Fajardo
in no manner is Chairman Gonzalo's lawyer - which is what Fajardo
has been asserting since year 2001 - has been confirmed once more
in April 2003, in relation to the supposed interrogation of Chairman
Gonzalo, when the authorities announced that: "Even though
the interrogation of Guzmán was planned for this session,
it was not possible to carry this out, because he only recently
designated Manuel Fajardo Cravero as his defender." (República,
April 8, 2003). Days before, the reactionary press had reveled that
Abimael Guzmán did not know anything about what was going
on when the antiterrorist judge of the process against him went
to notify him; he did not know anything of the nullity of the previous
sentence nor of the "new trials". This last thing is yet
another proof presented by reaction itself of the absolute isolation
of our Chairman Gonzalo. It is a proof of the fact that Chairman
Gonzalo never had been in contact with this miserable, cynical and
cowardly mercenary of the ROL, Fajardo. This is the news item that
appeared in the newspaper Ojo, dated March 30, 2003: "Judiciary
sources indicated that the Shining Path (SL) leader had no knowledge
of what had happened concerning his case, which is why it was necessary
to explain to him that a new penal action had been initiated as
the previous condemnation was nullified. The statement: 'But I already
have a sentence of life imprisonment' is to is to have been repeated
several times by Guzmán Reynoso, who despite having studied
law had not understood that he is at present being prosecuted and
that the sentence of life imprisonment imposed on him by the military
court no longer weighs on him.
Héctor Jhon Caro (ex head of the National Leadership
against Terrorism [DIRCOTE]) has declared: "Being a former
policeman and a lawyer, I know that a civilian culprit should be
in a civilian prison, but if we analyze the situation from the point
of view of national security, I would say that we have to seek the
mechanisms to keep Guzmán isolated from the rest of the members
of the Shining Path" (Ojo, March 4, 2003). This
is the recognition both of the fact that Chairman Gonzalo is in
total isolation and of the decisive importance for reaction of maintaining
the isolation; this reactionary recognizes that to do it, they are
not going to and cannot apply their rotten banners from the 18th
and early 19th century, those of "liberalism", "rights
of the individual", "principles that rule for all,"
etc. All the measures taken concerning the "new trials" aim at maintaining the total isolation of Chairman Gonzalo and Comrade Feliciano The recent Legislative Decree 922 - one of those establishing
the norms for the "new trials" - says: "The oral
trial for the crime terrorism will be public, under sanction of
nullity" But in order to guarantee that reaction will decide
what is going to be "public" and what not, they do not
allow for "neither the introduction nor the use of video cameras,
sound recorders, photographic cameras or other similar technical
equipment." It further gives a vast authority for deciding
on "specific measures restricting the public character of the
trial, when it is considered that these are strictly necessary."
With deep class hatred, we condemn, repudiate and
reject the gross hoaxes on "Blows and slaps in the face
between Guzmán and Feliciano" and its continuation
with the "Exclusive interview with Feliciano,"
fabricated by the CNI and disseminated through their propaganda
channels Correo, Caretas, República, etc.
In stark contrast to the enemy's plans, all of what has been put on exhibit so far demands that we raise the level of the campaign to defend Chairman Gonzalo's life, joining to this the defense of Comrade Feliciano's life. Chairman Gonzalo is the Great Leader of the Party and the revolution, it is he who has applied Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to the concrete conditions of Peru. Comrade Feliciano is not merely a communist, he is the one who seconds Chairman Gonzalo; he assumed the leadership of the Central Committee and the entire Party after the Chairman's arrest. Comrade Feliciano has masterfully applied Gonzalo Thought during the complex and difficult conditions of the bend in the road of revolution that the arrest of the Great Leader implied; it is under his responsibility that the Central Committee established the plans to overcome the bend in the road, crushing the revisionist and capitulationist right-opportunist line, and that we start coming out of the bend in the road. He has shown communist strive and stainless fidelity to the principles. The powerful development of the People's War, the significant increase of the number of actions, etc., even after Comrade Feliciano's arrest shows that: "the Party has known how to generate a leadership for our necessity, for our reality; we are sufficiently forged, we are not daunted by risk, we are not stopped by dangers, all this is one more test - let it be welcome!" (The Speech of our Great Leadership is a Combat Weapon that Shines Victoriously and Powerfully before the World, CC of the PCP, September 1999). Today, the entire Party is united and closes ranks around the comrade responsible for the Central Committee and for the entire Party.
All these hoaxes - "the peace letters",
"the hunger strike", "Comrade Feliciano's capitulation",
"the fights between Gonzalo and Feliciano", etc. - have
failed, they have been unmasked. Their failure shows that the Peruvian
people rejects reaction and its hoaxes, that it is more and more
closing ranks around the People's War and its recognized vanguard,
the Communist Party of Peru. Even reaction is talking of the intense
political work of the Party among the poorest masses. The Yankee
master, the monster that devours the people, is fear-struck warning
of the dangers of the People's War on its 23rd anniversary. The
rats are, in the midst of their endless nightmares, dreaming of
reaction fulfilling what it has promised them; that Chairman Gonzalo
will never come out of the total and perpetual isolation he is subjected
to, and so they hope to be able to escape from the revolutionary
justice. What corresponds to do facing this, is to give even further
impetus to the work to unmask and propagate the falseness of all
these montages and hoaxes, old or "new," before the national
and international public opinion, demanding the public presentation
of Chairman Gonzalo. The Party is demanding it with people's war.
Thus, it is much more necessary than ever to continue sweeping away
the remainders of the ROL, unmasking all the old and new hoaxes
and combating all the convergences with the ROL, in Peru and abroad.
This is not important only to the People's War of Peru, but serves
the advancing of the entire Revolutionary Internationalist Movement,
of the international communist movement as a whole and of the communist
movement in each country.
We repeat that all the acts by the Peruvian state denounced by us in this article aim at maintaining Chairman Gonzalo, Great Leader of the Party and the revolution, and Comrade Feliciano in absolute isolation and create favorable conditions for murdering them. This is the continuation of Yankee imperialism's plan. Against this, the Communist Party of Peru is even more raising the level of the defense of Chairman Gonzalo's life; the Parties, organizations and individuals inside and outside of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) are due to move heaven and earth for this very campaign. We demand the reactivation of the International Emergency Committee at the international level and the formation and activation of local committees of it, in every country and on all continents. Every opposition to the fulfilment of this task expresses a convergence with the ROL, and those who persist in these problems are, consciously or unconsciously, serving the plans of imperialism, revisionism and reaction. The campaign to defend Chairman Gonzalo - the greatest Marxist-Leninist-Maoist living on the face of the Earth - is inseparably united with the campaign to impose Maoism as the sole command and guide of world proletarian revolution, of the new great wave of world proletarian revolution that is unfolding. The defense of Chairman Gonzalo's life has to be carried forward in order to embody Maoism more, in order initiate or develop people's war, according to the concrete conditions of each country. All this can be done only amidst the two-line struggle against revisionism as the main enemy, developing it against rightist criteria, opinions, attitudes and positions being expressed as convergences with the accursed ROL, within and outside of the RIM, as struggle within the people. Inseparably and implacably combating imperialism, revisionism and reaction, including the remainders of the accursed revisionist and capitulationist ROL, in the final part of its being swept away - this is struggle against the other camp, against the enemy. The Peru People's Movement |